Inclusion of Children with Special Needs in ECE

Creating Hope and Safety for Children and Families Impacted by War in Ukraine

In Loving Memory of Rana Ismail

As the community of the World Forum we gather with friends, colleagues, and family around the world to grieve the passing of our dear friend and colleague Rana Ismail on September 7, 2022. The stories we now share celebrate her life and highlight her impact on each of us. So recently, Rana gifted us several […]
Thoughts and Experiences from Italy on Receiving Ukrainian Children – Aldo Fortunati, Italy

Celebrating International Women’s Day with You

From Bonnie Neugebauer To all you special humans in my life, I want you to know how much I appreciate you and all you do to make the world a better place for children and their families—you work globally with passion and determination, but you also work hand and heart with colleagues nearby, and with love […]
Breaking the Cycle of Gender-based Violence: Early Childhood Interventions

To view the presentation slides, please click here. Person/s leading discussion: Patsy Pillay / Linda Biersteker
An Update from Our Friends at PSD Nepal

Posted with permission of Bishnu Bhatta and PSD Nepal. Latest PSD Nepal News Until now in Nepal, 7,88,036 people are infected by COVID 19, where 11,057 died. Currently, Nepal has re-opened the schools and colleges by lifting the lockdown. PSD Nepal has been working on various projects for years which has helped Nepal learn, grow and earn sustainably. […]
Culture and Fashion – What We Wear and Why
A Conversation in Bonnie’s Global Café

It’s Time: A Call to Action
Lebongang Mashile, South Africa

Shared with permission by Innovation Edge.
Child Care Appreciation Day
Katrina Etsey, Canada

Each year the Learning Enrichment Foundation joins the child care community in Ontario to celebrate the dedication to high-quality care that is provided throughout our communities. In 2019, we worked with a local partner, Evergreen Brick Works, to create an event that invited educators and their families to a conversation area. Invitations were set up […]