Children and families around the world have lost a passionate and powerful advocate with the passing of Radziah Daud on July 2, 2021. Radziah was an early believer and a leader in building the World Forum Foundation as a member of the International Organizing Committee, and a dear friend of so many in the community of the World Forum.
No one embodied the spirit of the World Forum more than Radziah Daud. From the very beginning of the World Forum, Radziah worked with Judith Loh and Liew Sau Pheng, to engage the Malaysian child care community in the World Forum. Thanks to their advocacy, there has always been a strong delegation of Malaysian child care professionals in attendance at World Forums, sharing work and issues from the Malaysian perspective in plenaries and sessions, and performing cultural dances.
Proud of her profession and Malaysia, she was instrumental in the decision to hold the 2007 World Forum in Kuala Lumpur. Radziah led Malaysian child care professionals in organizing center tours, inviting the attendance of dignitaries, and embedding her love of country and culture in every aspect of the program, for the largest World Forum in-person gathering to date. A highlight was Radziah Daud’s warm welcome in the opening plenary.
In Malaysia, Radziah was one of the founders of the National Association of Early Childhood Care and Education of Malaysia (NAECCEM), an active trade association for early childhood professionals. She mentored great numbers of individuals through her writing, her training, and most importantly her personal caring involvement.
In addition to her advocacy and training contributions as President of NAECCEM, Radziah opened and operated child care centers, served on the Family Planning Board of Malaysia, and was Director of the NURY Institute for children with developmental challenges.
Bonnie and Roger have valued deeply our personal and professional relationship with Radziah Daud. We were buoyed by her infectious enthusiasm, her endless kindness, and her always upbeat attitude. We will miss her as both colleague and friend, for the generosity, joy, and wisdom she brought into our lives.
It is always so sad to lo as e a valued member of our WoFo family. Radziah will me dearly missed. Our Canadian hearts go out to her friends and family.